1. 本ポリシーについて

    本ポリシーは、エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ株式会社(以下「当社」)が、ONE OR EIGHT オフィシャルサイトに関して行うお客様の個人情報の処理に適用されます。本ポリシーの定めが、エイベックス・グループ当社のプライバシーポリシー(の定めと矛盾する場合には、矛盾する限りにおいて、本ポリシーの定めが優先するものとします。

  2. お客様の個人情報の収集方法

    お客様が当社のウェブサイトをご覧になる際、当社は、お客様のクッキーを自動的に収集することがあります。クッキーの利用とクッキーの収集を停止する方法の詳細については、こちら ( をご覧ください。

  3. 個人情報の処理目的


    1. お客様のご関心の分析

    2. お客様のお問い合わせへのご回答

    3. 当社に適用される法令の遵守

    4. 管轄を有するデータ保護当局及び行政調査又は犯罪捜査に従事する機関を含む、政府関連当局及び機関への協力

    5. 法的主張の立証、行使又は防御

  4. 取得者への個人データの開示・共同利用


    1. 関係会社


    2. 従業員


  5. お客様の権利


  6. 安全管理措置


  7. 連絡先


    本店の住所:〒108-0073 東京都港区三田1-4-1 住友不動産麻布十番ビル
    電話番号:03-6627-1411(受付時間 平日11:00~18:00)

制定 2024年6月20日

  1. About this Policy

    This Policy applies to the processing of personal information by Avex Music Creative Inc.(hereinafter, the “Company”, or “we”) in relation to the ONE OR EIGHT Official Site. If any provision of this Policy conflicts with the provisions of the Privacy Policy ( of Avex Group, the provisions of this Policy will prevail to the extent of such conflict.

  2. How your personal information is collected

    We may collect some information provided to us, such as your name, e-mail address, country/region, and inquiries, by means of a form on our website, e-mail, letter, or otherwise.
    When you visit our website, we may automatically collect your cookies. For more information on the use of your cookies and how to stop their collection, please click here (

  3. Purposes of processing personal information

    We may use your personal information about you for the following purposes. Your personal information will only be used to the extent necessary to accomplish these purposes.

    1. Analyzing your interests

    2. Replying to your inquiries

    3. Complying with laws applicable to the Company

    4. Cooperating with relevant government authorities and agencies, including data protection authorities having jurisdiction and agencies engaged in administrative or criminal investigations

    5. Proving, enforcing, or defending legal claims

  4. Disclosure and sharing of personal information to acquirers

    We may share your personal information with the following types of recipients.

    1. Group Companies

      We may disclose your personal information to the companies (affiliated companies) listed in the “List of Group Companies” on our website (
      (Joint use)
      Under Japanese law, we may share the personal information described in Section 2 above (excluding personal information provided through our sales platforms) with our Group Companies using the framework set forth under the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” for the purposes described in Section 3 (a) through (e) above. In this case, we will be the party responsible for personal information management. Please refer to Section 7 below for the Company's address and the name of its representative.

    2. Employees

      We may disclose personal information to our employees who have the authority and need to access personal information.

  5. Your rights

    You may request disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, and notification of the purpose of use of retained personal information held by us regarding you by contacting us through the channels specified in Section 7 below.

  6. Safety management measures

    In addition to setting rules for processing personal information, the Company takes necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information processed and manage personal information safely, including periodic self-inspections of the status of personal information processing, periodic processing training for employees, prevention of theft or loss of equipment used to process personal information, and the implementation of access control. We also exercise appropriate supervision over contractors and employees who process personal information.
    You may obtain further details about the safety measures we have in place with respect to the processing of your personal information by contacting us through the channels specified in Section 7 below.

  7. Contact details

    If you have any questions about this Policy, your rights, or any other matter regarding the protection of your personal information, please contact us through the channels below.

    Main Office Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Azabu-Juban Building, 1-4-1 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
    Representative Name: Takeya Ino
    Telephone: 03-6627-1411 (Business Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00-18:00)
    Contact form:

Enacted:June 20, 2024
Avex Music Creative Inc.